Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

Graduate Students

Lesson Plans for Speech Pathologists: More Information for Beginning Sessions

Lesson Plans for Speech Pathologists: More Information for Beginning Sessions

When we write a lesson plan we are integrating information from what we know about a client and what we want to know about the client. I understand that It may be difficult sometimes to write the beginning lesson plans as you are needing to…

The Gift of Being a Lifelong Learner

The Gift of Being a Lifelong Learner

Someone asked me the other day what was I doing for fun. I was being a lifelong learner! At the beginning of the year 2018, there was an announcement that the Rhode Island Foundation in conjunction with the Rhode Island Department of Education and the University…

Think Research-based approaches

Think Research-based approaches

We need to think about research-based approaches and not materials when we think of our speech and language treatment plans.

Origin Of The Partnership Between SLPs And Teachers

Origin Of The Partnership Between SLPs And Teachers

The origin of the partnership between SLPs and teachers begins at the preservice level. This affliation of a speech and language pathologist and the classroom and special education teacher is a key colloboration for students with communication disorders. One way to solidify this relationship is…

Goals are hard to create: another blog with helpful information

Goals are hard to create: another blog with helpful information

Creating goals is hard but if prior to setting goals you follow a process it can become easier. First: Consult with the family: it is very important to include families from the beginning of the process as team members. Review records and any information that…

Vocabulary: New Research, Importance, Ways to Teach

Vocabulary: New Research, Importance, Ways to Teach

I am forever a student!  One of my favorite ways to learn is through a website called  It allows me to pick a topic that I am interested in and then also to pick how I want to learn that particular topic. Do I…

Top 10 reasons you should be a speech and language pathologist

Top 10 reasons you should be a speech and language pathologist

January 1979 I started my Clinical Fellowship Year as a speech and language pathologist. I have NEVER regretted the decision to become a speech and language pathologist. It has been a phenomenal adventure! When I began my college career I had not really known a…

Writing Recommendations in a Speech and Language Report

Writing Recommendations in a Speech and Language Report

Have you ever skipped to the end of a book to preview how the story will come out?  This is a good way of thinking about how to write recommendations on a report. Some of your readers may have skipped to what they may consider…

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy in Supervision of Graduate Students

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy in Supervision of Graduate Students

One of the most difficult things to do in supervising and/or instructing graduate students is evaluating their skills objectively. It is easy to observe rapport, set up of the learning space, development of the lesson plan, review of data collected and the student’s interpretation and analysis…

Using Read-Alouds to Teach

Using Read-Alouds to Teach

This semester at Providence College we tried a flip class in the Communication Disorders Class with readings and PowerPoints happening outside of class and during class, we did activities that would support language development. Besides for the reading and response to blog entries students were…