This semester at Providence College we tried a flip class in the Communication Disorders Class with readings and PowerPoints happening outside of class and during class, we did activities that would support language development.
Besides for the reading and response to blog entries students were asked to complete three projects, a pre-read aloud language sample, a post read-aloud language sample, and a three-day lesson plan. The lesson plan needed to include a pre-reading activity to build background information, during the reading look at comprehension strategies, tier two vocabulary, Blooms Taxonomy questions and a written response to the literature.
The lesson plans are featured below you will note that they also have the Common Core Standards and IEP goals that the lesson would cover. They represent a wide variety of age groups. All have some technology in the lessons.
Jay Sawin Dear Mrs. Larue Lesson Plan-1pqelx1
Erin Connors: A Hat for Mrs. Goldman by Michelle Edwards
Kaitlin Riley A pocket for Corduroy lesson (1)-xr9pa2
Jenna Kornack Wonder Lesson Plan -usvdk6
Jacquelyn Keable- All Souls A Family Story From Southie-1i9u8xf
Meghan Leeming -Finding Audrey Lesson Plan EDU 571-2es8j9r
Rachael Medeiros The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Kayla Cunningham Empty Pot-272msmo
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