When we write a lesson plan we are integrating information from what we know about a client and what we want to know about the client.
I understand that It may be difficult sometimes to write the beginning lesson plans as you are needing to get to know the client as well as you are needing to get baseline information. What you might have thought would work does not or something you thought would take 15 minutes is finished in 5minutes.
My best advice to you is to PLAN, PLAN, PLAN. Have more than you need so that you can be confident you will have enough to fill a session. Write the plan with each step that you will take and why you are doing what you will be doing. It will assist you in making the analysis of the data.
I will add some examples to assist you in this process and to help you further refine your lesson plan writing. Please note the names in the lesson plan are not client names.
Theresa wrote the following as part of her lesson plan. Note that this is a beginning session and therefore she does not have a baseline. She clearly has a direction and spells out both what she is looking for and what she and the client will do. She delineated how she was collecting the data.
Baseline level of performance: To be determined |
Goal: To continue to establish rapport between clinicians and client. Obtain baseline information regarding intelligibility of connected speech (rate, the percentage of consonants/vowels correct). |
Materials: “Jewelry sentences”, pacing board |
- The clinician will present 25 phrases of varying length and complexity. The sentences/phrases will be ordered logically, presenting information presented in previous semesters first.
- The clinician will begin recording the current portion of the session.
- The clinician will instruct the client to read each of the sentences.
- After the client reads each of the sentences aloud, the clinician will end the recording and save it. The recording will be analyzed by the clinician, and intelligibility will be rated by an outside, unfamiliar listener.
Data: To be determined
- Rate of speech
- Percentage of consonants correct
- Percentage of vowels correct
- Other observed behaviors that may assist in the goal selection process.
Baseline level of performance: To be determined |
Goal: To obtain baseline information regarding concepts of greater than or less than, in order to establish functional goals pertaining to the management of money and shopping. |
Materials: Number line, store flyer clippings, whiteboard, colored whiteboard markers. |
- The clinician will introduce Jewelry’s new number line for the semester and will advise her to keep it in her calendar book. The clinician will provide a calendar book for the purposes of therapy activities.
- The clinician will present identical items from the flyers of two different grocery stores/department stores.
- Jewelry will be instructed to examine each of the items, and decide which grocery store/department store had a better price.
Data: To be determined
- Independent use of the number line following clinician instruction
Here is one that a student wrote in a previous semester. Note that she ( Megan) wrote the HOW of what she was doing with articulation. She talked about the direct teaching.
Materials: playdough with mini sketch of mouth with child friendly terms, Mighty Mouth |
Activity #1: Pre- teaching /r/
- Discuss that we will be talking about the sound /r/
- Clinician will discuss the oral structures: (lips, tongue and back teeth) as the client will manipulate the play dough (shaped into a tongue and back molars) to show how tongue moves during /r/ sounds
- can also use the Mighty Mouth
Emily wrote this for the /r/ sound.
Baseline level of performance:
- On 1/30/19, Lilo accurately produced /r/ at the word level 2 out of 8 times (25% accuracy).
Goal II: Lilo will increase her accuracy in articulation of /r/ in syllables.
II.1 Lilo will accurately produce /r/ in syllables with long vowel sounds with 90% accuracy over 10 trials. |
- flower /r/ syllable coloring page
- The clinician will stimulate the /r/ sound in isolation. The clinician will have the student look at her mouth as she says the sound. She will tell the student what she is doing with her articulators. The clinician will then side by side do the sound using a mirror to have the student see, feel and hear the sound. If needed the clinician will use a model of the mouth to assist the child in seeing what the mouth is doing. The child can manipulate the tongue and mouth to the /r/ position.
- Then the clinician will model /r/ followed by a vowel sound represented on one of the flower petals.
- Lilo will repeat this syllable with feedback from the clinician as necessary.
- Lilo will then color the flower petals of the /r/ syllables.
/r/ Position |
Target Sound |
Correct Production? (+,-); comments?) |
initial |
ra |
initial |
re |
initial |
ri |
initial |
ro |
initial |
ru |
/r/ position |
Target Sound |
Correct Production? (+,-); comments?) |
medial |
ara |
medial |
era |
medial |
ira |
medial |
ora |
medial |
ura |
/r/ position |
Target Sound |
Correct Production? (+,-); comments?) |
final |
ar |
final |
er |
final |
ir |
final |
or |
final |
ur |
- Lilo produced /r/ in isolation with modeling from the clinician.
- Lilo glided the /r/ in initial and medial position.
- Lilo produced /r/ in the initial position when prompted with multiple models and isolated phonemes.
This was super helpful for the observations/behavior section. It’s definitely clearer on what is expected from the lesson plan write-ups
I am glad, sometimes seeing samples helps.