Cozy chats about speech, language and learning


Four Ways to Provide Supports to the Curriculum

Four Ways to Provide Supports to the Curriculum

The Law The most significant legislative action that affected children with disabilities passed in 1975 with the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. This legislation means that students with disabilities have equal access to a free and appropriate public education. Access means that that students…

Writing Precise Baselines IEP Goals

Writing Precise Baselines IEP Goals

One of the first things we do when we meet a new client as stated in another blog is to do an initial assessment to gather a baseline. It is very important that we clearly define this baseline so that it is clear exactly what…

Examples of Speech and Language Goals

Examples of Speech and Language Goals

Constructing goals can be a difficult task. If you think about this process as a multi-step activity it will assist you. You begin treatment with a student by reviewing the history of the child. In reading this and speaking with the family you may have…

Lesson Plans for Speech Pathologists: More Information for Beginning Sessions

Lesson Plans for Speech Pathologists: More Information for Beginning Sessions

When we write a lesson plan we are integrating information from what we know about a client and what we want to know about the client. I understand that It may be difficult sometimes to write the beginning lesson plans as you are needing to…

Goals are hard to create: another blog with helpful information

Goals are hard to create: another blog with helpful information

Creating goals is hard but if prior to setting goals you follow a process it can become easier. First: Consult with the family: it is very important to include families from the beginning of the process as team members. Review records and any information that…

Simple Behavioral Supports That Help All Students

Simple Behavioral Supports That Help All Students

When we have a structure supported with simple behavioral routines and visuals our classroom and therapy sessions are more effective and focused.  This benefits not just the student but also you as the instructor giving you a framework for your sessions. I find that if…

Using Read-Alouds to Teach

Using Read-Alouds to Teach

This semester at Providence College we tried a flip class in the Communication Disorders Class with readings and PowerPoints happening outside of class and during class, we did activities that would support language development. Besides for the reading and response to blog entries students were…

Examples of Speech and Language Goals and Objectives: Clinical Summer 2017

Examples of Speech and Language Goals and Objectives: Clinical Summer 2017

Creating goals for students is a process that is always evolving. Sometimes it is helpful to see how others have constructed their goals to be able to refine the ones that we are developing. Here are examples of Summer 2017 URI student clinicians constructed according…

Confused about Writing Social Skills Goals for IEPS?

Confused about Writing Social Skills Goals for IEPS?

When we are writing social skills goals for IEPs although we are looking at the big picture we need to narrow down our topic so that it is achievable in the time that we to work with the student. If we have a child who…

Writing Speech and Language Goals

Writing Speech and Language Goals

Are you always on time with your paperwork? Do you get 100% on every test? Are you always right? You are probably saying of course not. You need to think about this when writing your goals for your students. They are having therapy because they…