Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

Parent Communication

Enhancing Multilingual Success: SLP’s Strategies For K-2 Students In The Classroom

Enhancing Multilingual Success: SLP’s Strategies For K-2 Students In The Classroom

Supporting multilingual students in kindergarten through second grade is a vital role that encompasses various strategies and approaches. The role of a speech and language pathologist (SLP) in this context is particularly crucial, as they help distinguish between language differences and language disorders. Here’s an…

Powerful Changes with Early Intervention for Speech and Language Disorders

Powerful Changes with Early Intervention for Speech and Language Disorders

Communication is a fundamental aspect of human life. It shapes our interactions, relationships, and ability to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas. For some children, however, the development of speech and language skills may not follow the typical trajectory. Speech and language disorders can pose significant…

5 Easy Tips For Parents To Support Their Child’s Speech And Language Development

5 Easy Tips For Parents To Support Their Child’s Speech And Language Development

Parents often worry about their child’s speech and language development. They want their child’s language to be on the right track. It’s important for parents to know that their child’s speech and language development can be supported in many ways. As a parent, you are…

5 Practical Strategies for Supporting Students with Speech and Language Disorders in the Classroom

5 Practical Strategies for Supporting Students with Speech and Language Disorders in the Classroom

Speech and language disorders are common childhood disabilities that affect children’s ability to communicate effectively. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how to support students with speech and language disorders in the classroom. A supportive classroom environment, along with appropriate teaching strategies and interventions, can…

Echolalia: What is it?

Echolalia: What is it?

There are many areas for challenges for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. No two people have the same communicative challenges. Some children with autism spectrum disorder have echolalia. Echolalia At one time the thought was Echolalia was a behavior to eliminate but we have a…

The end of one chapter, the beginning of the next

The end of one chapter, the beginning of the next

I have been very fortunate in my life to have had some amazing work adventures! For the last twelve years, I have worked at the University of Rhode Island’s Speech and Hearing Clinic as a clinical supervisor. A university clinic is similar to an educational…

How to Work with Mixed Groups in Speech and Language Therapy

How to Work with Mixed Groups in Speech and Language Therapy

How do you work with mixed groups in speech and language therapy? Working in groups in speech and language therapy can be challenging. Often the students will not all be on the same level. You may need to work with a classroom group in which…

#ARMMEWITH an Educational Model of Education

#ARMMEWITH an Educational Model of Education

  ENOUGH!  This is the time to stand for the children of our country. We owe it to them and to our future to fight for their right to be in schools that put them first, values them as people and care enough about their well…

Homework an Important Connection

Homework an Important Connection

Home programming is an important part of speech and language therapy so that what the child is learning in the therapy room has practice outside of the treatment room. This seems very logical but what exactly should this be? First one needs to consider the…

Inexpensive Speech Therapy or Classroom Material to Promote Active Participation

Sometimes the best materials are ones that are inexpensive, readily available and easy to use. I am someone who is never without her cup filled with water and a straw.  I have straws stored at home, in the car and at school so I always have…