In working with data it can be difficult to see many numbers embedded into a paragraph. So what can you do? I find it helpful to put numbers in a table and to have that table be prior to the narrative that explains the numbers.
Here are some great examples from graduate students that have used a table in their discussion of data. Client’s names have been changed to protect privacy.
Kim wrote:
On the Reading A-Z benchmark assessments, a student who achieves accuracy and comprehension scores above 95% should be advanced to the next text level. A student who achieves a reading accuracy rate of 90-94% and a comprehension score of 80-94% on a given text should be instructed at this text level. Given this, Neptune was advanced from the Level L/Lexile 501-550 texts, and Level M/Lexile 551-600 was selected as the target level for reading accuracy and comprehension treatment.
As the Entire World Of R Assessment has a great deal of data that can be collected. Here is a table to report the Entire World of R. This will help the reader easily read the scores.
Read, Thank you