Cozy chats about speech, language and learning


What Ignited My Passion for Teaching Written Language Skills

What Ignited My Passion for Teaching Written Language Skills

My passion for teaching written language skills began in my undergraduate training in education and speech and language pathology.

Top 7 Reasons Why an SLP  is Important to your Literacy Program

Top 7 Reasons Why an SLP is Important to your Literacy Program

Top seven reasons why a speech and language pathologist should be part and indeed play an integral role in your school’s literacy program.

How to Read a Book to Your Child

How to Read a Book to Your Child

The most important thing that parents can do to assist their children in education is to read to them.  Reading opens up new worlds to your child, stimulates their imagination, and exposes them to vocabulary that is not common in conversation. Reading promotes cognitive development.…

The Gift of Being a Lifelong Learner

The Gift of Being a Lifelong Learner

Someone asked me the other day what was I doing for fun. I was being a lifelong learner! At the beginning of the year 2018, there was an announcement that the Rhode Island Foundation in conjunction with the Rhode Island Department of Education and the University…

Why We Need to Teach Reading Using an Integrative System

Why We Need to Teach Reading Using an Integrative System

There is an inter-relationship between, reading, spelling, handwriting, and written expression that needs to be honored when we think about teaching reading. There are multiple areas in the brain that are essential in learning how to read. Our instruction, therefore, needs to be explicit, systematic, cumulative, and multi-sensory.

Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics What is the Difference?

Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics What is the Difference?

  Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, and Phonics are all terms that sound alike but are very distinct. Often the image of an umbrella is used in trying to explain the differences between the three terms, with phonological awareness being the umbrella and phonemic awareness and phonics…

Research Should Drive Our Instruction

Research Should Drive Our Instruction

As a speech and language pathologist or a teacher we need to use research to drive instruction. Recently on an emergency trip to the dentist, I complained that as I was getting older my teeth were falling apart and I lamented the aging process. However…

Inexpensive Speech Therapy or Classroom Material to Promote Active Participation

Sometimes the best materials are ones that are inexpensive, readily available and easy to use. I am someone who is never without her cup filled with water and a straw.  I have straws stored at home, in the car and at school so I always have…

Using Read-Alouds to Teach

Using Read-Alouds to Teach

This semester at Providence College we tried a flip class in the Communication Disorders Class with readings and PowerPoints happening outside of class and during class, we did activities that would support language development. Besides for the reading and response to blog entries students were…

Spelling and the Speech Language Pathologist

Spelling and the Speech Language Pathologist

Okay, true confession, I am a terrible speller. I went to parochial school and we had weekly spelling bees and tests. I consistently was the first one out in the spelling bee. The nuns would try to teach me and I remember one of them proclaiming ”…