Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

English Language Learners

Circle Time Song Choice Board

Circle Time Song Choice Board

Circle Time Song Choice Boards is my go-to for new students. As I prepare for back to school I begin to organize my supplies and things that I will need to begin therapy. The first thing I always pull out is my Circle Time Song…

Prepositions their Importance and How to Teach

Prepositions their Importance and How to Teach

Why should we teach prepositions? Prepositions are part of our everyday conversation. They are a big part of what we use when we give directions. Think about some of the early directions that we give our own children. ” Put on your shoes”, “Get in…

How to Work with Mixed Groups in Speech and Language Therapy

How to Work with Mixed Groups in Speech and Language Therapy

How do you work with mixed groups in speech and language therapy? Working in groups in speech and language therapy can be challenging. Often the students will not all be on the same level. You may need to work with a classroom group in which…

Vocabulary: New Research, Importance, Ways to Teach

Vocabulary: New Research, Importance, Ways to Teach

I am forever a student!  One of my favorite ways to learn is through a website called  It allows me to pick a topic that I am interested in and then also to pick how I want to learn that particular topic. Do I…

Inexpensive Speech Therapy or Classroom Material to Promote Active Participation

Sometimes the best materials are ones that are inexpensive, readily available and easy to use. I am someone who is never without her cup filled with water and a straw.  I have straws stored at home, in the car and at school so I always have…

Auditory Bombardment Articulation Therapy

Auditory Bombardment Articulation Therapy

Auditory Bombardment is an evidenced-based approach for articulation therapy. Having the child hear the sound said correctly assists them. Articulation Treatment Ear training or speech perception training is one research-based treatment or Evidenced-Based Practice (EBP) that is recommended to help the child acquire a perceptual representation…

Using Read-Alouds to Teach

Using Read-Alouds to Teach

This semester at Providence College we tried a flip class in the Communication Disorders Class with readings and PowerPoints happening outside of class and during class, we did activities that would support language development. Besides for the reading and response to blog entries students were…

Spelling and the Speech Language Pathologist

Spelling and the Speech Language Pathologist

Okay, true confession, I am a terrible speller. I went to parochial school and we had weekly spelling bees and tests. I consistently was the first one out in the spelling bee. The nuns would try to teach me and I remember one of them proclaiming ”…

How to take an old favorite read aloud and construct a Common Core lesson

How to take an old favorite read aloud and construct a Common Core lesson

How do you take an old favorite and incorporate all the common core standards that you need to cover in your class?  Can you still do a read aloud and still be able to get what you need to get done for the curriculum? YES,…