Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

Tag: evidenced-based approach

A Fabulous Read to Ignite Your Teaching

A Fabulous Read to Ignite Your Teaching

One of my favorite things to do in the summer is read on the beach.  When that reading transforms my thinking or my practice of teaching I feel doubly gifted. Edrenaline Rush by John Meehan is one such book. This may end up being a series as…

How Does Assessment Drive Instruction?

How Does Assessment Drive Instruction?

Assessment drives instruction. Evaluation data helps to drive the instruction of a student. When we take baseline we get a direction for our teaching.  Prior to seeing a new student/client, we read through their records to develop a picture and to make a group of…

Lesson Plans for Speech Pathologists: More Information for Beginning Sessions

Lesson Plans for Speech Pathologists: More Information for Beginning Sessions

When we write a lesson plan we are integrating information from what we know about a client and what we want to know about the client. I understand that It may be difficult sometimes to write the beginning lesson plans as you are needing to…

Why We Need to Teach Reading Using an Integrative System

Why We Need to Teach Reading Using an Integrative System

There is an inter-relationship between, reading, spelling, handwriting, and written expression that needs to be honored when we think about teaching reading. There are multiple areas in the brain that are essential in learning how to read. Our instruction, therefore, needs to be explicit, systematic, cumulative, and multi-sensory.

Goals are hard to create: another blog with helpful information

Goals are hard to create: another blog with helpful information

Creating goals is hard but if prior to setting goals you follow a process it can become easier. First: Consult with the family: it is very important to include families from the beginning of the process as team members. Review records and any information that…

How to take an old favorite read aloud and construct a Common Core lesson

How to take an old favorite read aloud and construct a Common Core lesson

How do you take an old favorite and incorporate all the common core standards that you need to cover in your class?  Can you still do a read aloud and still be able to get what you need to get done for the curriculum? YES,…