Creating goals for students is a process that is always evolving. Sometimes it is helpful to see how others have constructed their goals to be able to refine the ones that we are developing. Here are examples of Summer 2017 URI student clinicians constructed according to their university’s instructional standards. The names of the clients have been changed.
Alyssa and Kara wrote:
Baseline level of performance: Adam achieved 75% accuracy for prevocalic /r/, 66% for medial /ear/, 75% for /rl/ blends, and 77% for initial /br/ blends. |
LTG: Alice will improve her intelligibility. Objective I-I: Alice will improve intelligibility as evidenced by producing prevocalic /r/ with 90% accuracy at the word level with minimal verbal cues. |
Jessica wrote:
Baseline level of performance: Bobby used 3-point gaze shifts 7 times. He commented in response to a question with one- to three-word utterances 6 times. | ||
Goal I: Bobby will improve social communication.
· Objective I-1: Bobby will increase joint attention skills as evidenced by his using 3-point gaze shifts (i.e. object-person-object or person-object-person) at least 10 times during one 50-minute session. · Objective I-2: Bobby will increase joint attention skills by initiating or responding to bids for interaction (e.g., responding to question, physical turn-taking) for at least four consecutive exchanges (i.e., a turn from the child and a turn from the clinician) 3 times during one 50-minute session.
Goal II: Bobby will improve emotional regulation. · Objective II-1: Bobby will improve skills to regulate arousal level as evidenced by using language strategies (e.g., pointing to and/or repeating a “first, then” model) during transitions 3 times during one 50-minute session.
Goal III: Bobby will increase his use of expressive language. · Objective III-1: Bobby will increase his symbol use skills by communicating which activity he wants to participate in by simultaneously pointing to and saying which choice he wants using the “I want” strip at least 3 times during one 50-minute session.