Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

Tag: speech language

Four Ways to Provide Supports to the Curriculum

Four Ways to Provide Supports to the Curriculum

The Law The most significant legislative action that affected children with disabilities passed in 1975 with the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. This legislation means that students with disabilities have equal access to a free and appropriate public education. Access means that that students…

How to Read a Book to Your Child

How to Read a Book to Your Child

The most important thing that parents can do to assist their children in education is to read to them.  Reading opens up new worlds to your child, stimulates their imagination, and exposes them to vocabulary that is not common in conversation. Reading promotes cognitive development.…

AAC Core Vocabulary : Ideas for Teaching GO

AAC Core Vocabulary : Ideas for Teaching GO

  Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is constantly evolving not just the technology surrounding it but also the vocabulary that we emphasis as we teach it. I have been in the field for forty-one years and have seen the transformation of how we think of AAC.…

Echolalia: What is it?

Echolalia: What is it?

There are many areas for challenges for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. No two people have the same communicative challenges. Some children with autism spectrum disorder have echolalia. Echolalia At one time the thought was Echolalia was a behavior to eliminate but we have a…

What are Pragmatic Language Skills?

What are Pragmatic Language Skills?

What are pragmatic language skills? Pragmatic language refers to the social language skills that we use in our daily interactions with others. This includes what we say, how we say it, our non-verbal communication (eye contact, facial expressions, body language, etc.) and how appropriate our interactions are in a given situation.

What is Language Definition?

What is Language Definition?

The concept of language is a difficult one. According to Bloom and Lahey, language can be defined as “a knowledge of a code for representing ideas about the world through a conventional system of arbitrary signals for communication”. Language is hard to describe but if…

Kindergarten Screening: A Peek Into a Child’s Mind

Kindergarten Screening: A Peek Into a Child’s Mind

  Kindergarten speech and language screenings are part of the educational requirement. I typically do these the first week of school giving me a chance to meet each of the new students. The purpose of the screening is to pick up any student that might…

Writing Professional Reports for the Speech and Language Pathologist

Writing Professional Reports for the Speech and Language Pathologist

Clinical writing speech-language pathology is an important skill to review not just for the graduate student but also for the professional speech and language pathologist. You may have been an amazingly creative writer in school but now the skills that made you so talented then,…

What is Van Riper Approach to Articulation Therapy?

What is Van Riper Approach to Articulation Therapy?

One of the options for speech therapy for articulation is the traditional approach.  Back in the dark ages ( or when I was being trained as a speech and language therapist), the researchers prescribed a sequence of treatment for children that had difficulty saying sounds.…

How to Work with Mixed Groups in Speech and Language Therapy

How to Work with Mixed Groups in Speech and Language Therapy

How do you work with mixed groups in speech and language therapy? Working in groups in speech and language therapy can be challenging. Often the students will not all be on the same level. You may need to work with a classroom group in which…