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Fall 2015 Lesson Plan Section Example: Articulation, Social Language
Some of you are doing an excellent job with your lesson plans. I am putting some of the sections here so that you can see some great examples. Grace constructed this for part of her lesson for a young girl with an articulation disorder. Notice:…
Great Goals for Fall 2015 Semester
Here are some examples of some great goals this semester. Sometimes looking at other goals help to formulate your own. Apraxia Casey wrote: Goal: By the end of the semester, CHILD will improve intelligibility as evidenced by the accurate production of final /g/ at the…
Articulation Therapy
Speech Sound Therapy: ( articulation or phonological approach) My philosophy and methodology for articulation have changed over time as new research and my own experiences began to shape how I provided treatment. Below is a list of some of the treatment approaches for articulation. In…
I love how music aids language!
Old MacDonald is a favorite song of the students that I work with. This simple song has choice making and a sentence request board. This particular song is great for language learning. It is an easy melody for children to learn The repeating chorus helps…
First days back to school
I love my job! Today I was working through the kindergarten speech and language screening and having such a fabulous time talking to these 5-year-olds. Part of the test is having the students repeat words after me. I say “Bib”, the child says, “Bib”. One…
5 Little Monkeys
I love working with music with my students. Something that they are reluctant to do when presented as a work task they will do when it is incorporated into a song. This song is 5 little monkeys hanging from a tree. It uses a count…
Developing a literature unit: Tier Two vocabulary, Bloom’s questions
My plan this summer was to create units using literature and having all the resources in one place. As I have been using children’s literature I have been able to discover that there are some stories in which some of the extensions to create deeper…
Behavior as Communication
Behaviors are a way that children communicate. Think about the newborn. The baby cries to get its needs met as the listener tries to determine the cause of distress. We need to be the same kind of detectives when we see the older child demonstrate…
Using a Song Choice Board
I have always loved incorporating rhymes and music into my lessons. Music assists in memory, developing language, and often a child’s first vocalization can come as they try to sing along. When we are working with children with minimal verbal language skills we need to…