I love my job! Today I was working through the kindergarten speech and language screening and having such a fabulous time talking to these 5-year-olds. Part of the test is having the students repeat words after me. I say “Bib”, the child says, “Bib”. One of the words is ‘mom’ I said the word and a little boy exclaimed excitedly ” That’s my mom’s name!” then he was completely beside himself when the word was ‘dad’ ” I can’t believe it that’s my dad’s name.”
As these are really babies adjusting to the school day so some of them get a little antsy. I use my listening rules to assist them in knowing what they need to do to be ‘good listeners’.
It can be found here:
Hope everyone has as much fun as I!
Why is having routines important in the classroom and in therapy?
What are some of your routines that you establish at the beginning of the school year?
Love the listening rules!