Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

5 Ways Augmentative Communication Unlocks Potential

5 Ways Augmentative Communication Unlocks Potential
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Speech and language disorders can affect a person’s ability to communicate effectively. But for individuals who struggle with speech and language difficulties, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) strategies can be an effective solution. By supporting an individual’s communication abilities with alternative methods, AAC can help them achieve a greater level of independence and participation in social interactions. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of augmentative communication in speech and language therapy, and how it can improve lives for all parties involved.

Improved Communication

AAC provides a means of communication for individuals who may otherwise be unable to communicate effectively through speech. With AAC, individuals can express themselves in a way that matches their communication abilities. This could include speech generating devices (SGDs), gesture, sign language, or pointed pictures on communication boards. By providing a way for individuals to communicate their needs, thoughts, and emotions, they are empowered to have a greater degree of control over their environments.

Enhanced Social Interactions:

Communication is a key factor in social interactions and building relationships. With AAC, individuals can participate more fully in social interactions, helping them to form meaningful connections with others. It can also alleviate feelings of isolation and frustration, which can often be experienced by individuals with speech and language disorders.

I love using commercial games and finding ways to make the directions visuals and a way for the students to interact on the same level as their peers. This game was a Thrift Shop find. The children had to make a guess what was under the hay stack. By having visual direction and visual requests and responses they were able to independently participate.

Aided Language Development:

AAC can also contribute to language development for individuals who are struggling with verbal communication. It can help them to strengthen their vocabulary and grammar skills, and gain a better understanding of abstract concepts. AAC can also provide a model for language that is natural and functional, further supporting language development.

Improved Quality of Life:

The use of AAC can lead to a greater level of autonomy and independence for individuals with speech and language disorders. This can result in improved quality of life, increased educational and employment opportunities, and a greater sense of self-esteem.

Increased Participation in Education:


For students with speech and language disorders, AAC can support classroom participation. AAC can help them take notes, answer questions, and engage in classroom discussions. This can lead to improved educational and vocational outcomes. There may be a need to provide multiple ways for a student to understand the lesson as well as to respond to the lesson. The below pictures show the adaptions I made for a group of students. It had the visuals but also ways for students to respond actively through the lesson.

Augmentative communication in speech and language therapy is an effective solution for supporting individuals who are struggling with communication difficulties. By providing alternative methods for communication, individuals can improve their capacity to communicate, enhance social interactions, develop language, improve quality of life, and participate more fully in education and other activities. As speech and language therapists, teachers, and parents, it’s important to recognize the potential of AAC, and to support its use in clinical and educational environments.

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