Cozy chats about speech, language and learning


Make Speech Therapy Enjoyable with These 10 Kid-Friendly Games

Make Speech Therapy Enjoyable with These 10 Kid-Friendly Games

Engaging young children in speech therapy requires creativity, fun, and a touch of strategy. Games are a fantastic way to motivate kids while building essential speech and language skills. Here’s a list of 10 fun and effective games you can use in speech therapy sessions…

3  Ways To Teach Greetings and Names a Beginning Social Skill

3 Ways To Teach Greetings and Names a Beginning Social Skill

A potential friend is only a ‘Hello’ away. Paul Liebau One of the first social skills that I love to teach is greetings and student’s names. As a speech and language pathologist I know that although it might seem like a very simple skill when you…

Songs Are An Important Language Development Tool and Free Download

Songs Are An Important Language Development Tool and Free Download

Songs are an important language development learning tool. One of my favorite speech and language therapy techniques is using singing to develop language. Using songs for preschoolers for language learning is fun and effective. Preschoolers can learn so much through songs. Why use songs in…

Can You Read Your TPT data?

Can You Read Your TPT data?

Are you a tired as I am? I am looking forward to being able to refresh and renew and one way that I do that is doing the TPT Virtual Conference. Last year I attended a dynamic session about using data to look at your…

Prepositions their Importance and How to Teach

Prepositions their Importance and How to Teach

Why should we teach prepositions? Prepositions are part of our everyday conversation. They are a big part of what we use when we give directions. Think about some of the early directions that we give our own children. ” Put on your shoes”, “Get in…

How to Work with Mixed Groups in Speech and Language Therapy

How to Work with Mixed Groups in Speech and Language Therapy

How do you work with mixed groups in speech and language therapy? Working in groups in speech and language therapy can be challenging. Often the students will not all be on the same level. You may need to work with a classroom group in which…

Simple Behavioral Supports That Help All Students

Simple Behavioral Supports That Help All Students

When we have a structure supported with simple behavioral routines and visuals our classroom and therapy sessions are more effective and focused.  This benefits not just the student but also you as the instructor giving you a framework for your sessions. I find that if…

A Easter Egg Theme Lesson: Autism Acceptance Month

In honor of Autism Acceptance month, I am sharing a fun lesson I do with my students AND giving you a chance to enter a raffle for a ten dollar TPT card ( April 2017). I love using themes in my lessons. It helps students…

What are you wishing for?

What are you wishing for?

In preparation for TPT’s big sale, I am joining a group of other bloggers to showcase what is most wished listed in our stores, and comments on these products to give you an idea of some great products. This was my first product and still…



I am so grateful for all the support that my TPT store has had this year and I want to show a little bit of love. I will have a TPT gift card giveaway as part of a blog hop. I am a speech and language…