Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

Speech and language

Conscious Discipline: Social Emotional Curriculum Breathing Techniques

Conscious Discipline: Social Emotional Curriculum Breathing Techniques

I work with some amazing team members and yesterday while waiting for a meeting to begin there was a sharing of some new strategies that had been tried to reduce stress and promote attention. They demonstrated the procedures and talked about some mutual cases that…

Auditory Bombardment Articulation Therapy

Auditory Bombardment Articulation Therapy

Auditory Bombardment is an evidenced-based approach for articulation therapy. Having the child hear the sound said correctly assists them. Articulation Treatment Ear training or speech perception training is one research-based treatment or Evidenced-Based Practice (EBP) that is recommended to help the child acquire a perceptual representation…

Using Read-Alouds to Teach

Using Read-Alouds to Teach

This semester at Providence College we tried a flip class in the Communication Disorders Class with readings and PowerPoints happening outside of class and during class, we did activities that would support language development. Besides for the reading and response to blog entries students were…

Examples of Speech and Language Goals and Objectives: Clinical Summer 2017

Examples of Speech and Language Goals and Objectives: Clinical Summer 2017

Creating goals for students is a process that is always evolving. Sometimes it is helpful to see how others have constructed their goals to be able to refine the ones that we are developing. Here are examples of Summer 2017 URI student clinicians constructed according…

Spelling and the Speech Language Pathologist

Spelling and the Speech Language Pathologist

Okay, true confession, I am a terrible speller. I went to parochial school and we had weekly spelling bees and tests. I consistently was the first one out in the spelling bee. The nuns would try to teach me and I remember one of them proclaiming ”…

One Way to Up Your Student’s Reading Activity

One Way to Up Your Student’s Reading Activity

Have you been to a movie lately?  What happens before the main movie?  You typically are watching movie previews. Why do movie theaters do this?  They want to entice you to want to see the movie that they are previewing. The same thing should happen…

Executive Dysfunction: Who is this child?

Executive Dysfunction: Who is this child?

What is Executive Functioning? Johnny races into the room and you can nearly feel the wind as he passes you by. His desk is a mess and homework papers if returned, look like they were run over by a truck. If you inform the parent…

A Easter Egg Theme Lesson: Autism Acceptance Month

In honor of Autism Acceptance month, I am sharing a fun lesson I do with my students AND giving you a chance to enter a raffle for a ten dollar TPT card ( April 2017). I love using themes in my lessons. It helps students…

SOAP notes: What should go in the ‘S” section

SOAP notes: What should go in the ‘S” section

SOAP Notes: SOAP notes are a way to quickly communicate about what went on in a therapy session. The initials stand for: S: SUBJECTIVE O: OBJECTIVE A: ASSESSMENT P: PLAN You are writing them in the clinic it is because this is often what is…

Confused about Writing Social Skills Goals for IEPS?

Confused about Writing Social Skills Goals for IEPS?

When we are writing social skills goals for IEPs although we are looking at the big picture we need to narrow down our topic so that it is achievable in the time that we to work with the student. If we have a child who…