Cozy chats about speech, language and learning


Spring 2017 Examples of Good Student Goals

Spring 2017 Examples of Good Student Goals

Where are you going? How will you get there? These are important questions at the beginning of the semester treatment.  Here is are some examples of great goals this semester. Make sure you explore some of the other posts that also have examples of goals…

Therapy Materials: Wonderful to have but they are not the ‘therapy’

Therapy Materials: Wonderful to have but they are not the ‘therapy’

It is great that there are so many great materials that can be used in speech therapy but we need to recognize that these are tools and not the therapy. So just as you would not say that a house was built by a ‘hammer’…

Some Sample Clinical Goals Fall 2016: How to Write

Some Sample Clinical Goals Fall 2016: How to Write

Wish that writing therapy goals were as simple as child’s play but alas they are not. In the clinic, there is a need to write these goals according to the practices that you learned in pre-practicum.  Here is a PowerPoint that explains the procedure. Writing Goals and…

Goal Objectives Ladder or Pie ?

Goal Objectives Ladder or Pie ?

I am presently participating in American Speech Language and Hearing’s online conference Improving Intelligibility in Children .  Similar to going to a conference I sometimes feel that I wish my brain had a lid and I could just open it up and download all the…

Develop Social Pragmatic Goals Conversation

Develop Social Pragmatic Goals Conversation

Conversations for most of us happens naturally without too much thought. How then do we make the analysis of this skill to teach it to someone who is having difficulty with this?  We are nearly taking an autopsy of conversation and dissecting the parts of…

Being Flexible, Writing Goals for Clinic

Being Flexible, Writing Goals for Clinic

As a speech and language pathologist, as in life we need to be flexible. You will be at a work site that might do things in a different way that you may have been taught or the way the last work site had you do…

Phonological Approach to Speech Therapy

Phonological Approach to Speech Therapy

  ASHA, the American Speech, Language,and Hearing Association  clarifies that ” Articulation approaches target each sound deviation and are often selected by the clinician when the child’s errors are assumed to be motor-based; the aim is the correct production of the target sound(s). Phonological approaches target a…

Teaching Sight Words,  Why is it Important and How Can We Assist ?

Teaching Sight Words, Why is it Important and How Can We Assist ?

Besides learning to break the phonetic code and sounding out words knowing sight words is crucial to being a reader. Sight word recognition is one of the important building blocks in a child learning to read. If a child is successful with sight words they will…

Developing Social Emotional Language Goals

Developing Social Emotional Language Goals

Social skills, language pragmatic skills can be difficult to write goals for. If you think about the skills in the same way that you consider other language skills this might be a good first start. You need to make an analysis of what you want…

Listening Comprehension versus Reading Comprehension

Listening Comprehension versus Reading Comprehension

Listening Comprehension skills versus Reading Comprehension Skills I know that it may be confusing when you are writing goals but if you are the person that is reading the story to a child what we are measuring is listening. If the child is the only…