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Develop Social Pragmatic Goals Conversation

Develop Social Pragmatic Goals Conversation
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Conversations for most of us happens naturally without too much thought. How then do we make the analysis of this skill to teach it to someone who is having difficulty with this?  We are nearly taking an autopsy of conversation and dissecting the parts of it to determine the area that the student may be having difficulty with. How then do we use this information to develop conversation social pragmatic goals? Below you will see a variety of conversation social pragmatic goals.

Examples of Conversation Goals:

Given a conversation with the clinician, the client will maintain a topic of conversation of his choosing for at least 3 conversational turns in 4/5 measured conversations during the semester.

Given a conversation with the clinician, the client will maintain a topic of conversation of the clinician’s choosing for at least 3 conversational turns in 4/5 measured conversations during the semester.

Given a social conversation, the client will ask one question of the clinician about her sharing [by using a visual choice of cued question OR when cued – “___can you think of a question to ask me about ___?” in 4/5 measured conversation over a semester.

Given a social conversation, the client will ask one question of the clinician about her sharing spontaneously in 4/5 measured conversations over a semester.

Given an analysis and data averaging of 3 conversations, the client will have 35-45% of his conversational turns on average be questions directed toward gaining information about his conversational partner’s thought with the remaining turns being comments.

Given a social sharing/conversational time, the client will share novel news appropriate to the context in 3 out of 4 sharing instances.

Given a social sharing/conversation time, the client will demonstrate joint attention with the conversation by repeating back a client’s sharing comments when cued to do so in 3 out of 4 sharing instances.

Given a topic of conversation, the client will list at least 3 questions the client could ask related to the topic, doing so for 4 out of 5 conversation topics presented.

Given 3 different conversation topics with clinician, will demonstrate turn taking, topic maintenance and balance” in his contribution to the conversation, by taking a range of 30-40% of the total turns.

Given 3 different conversation topics with the client will have at least 35% of his contributions to the conversation be initial or follow-up questions, rather than comments or non-response.

Given a social sharing/conversation time, the client will listen attentively to the speaker by using appropriate eye contact, body language, and/or proximity during conversations in three out of four sharing opportunities when given a visual cue.

Given a social sharing/conversation time, the client will listen attentively to the speaker by using appropriate eye contact, body language, and/or proximity during conversations in three out of four sharing opportunities spontaneously.



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