Where are you going?
How will you get there?
These are important questions at the beginning of the semester treatment. Here is are some examples of great goals this semester. Make sure you explore some of the other posts that also have examples of goals by typing ‘goals’ into the blog search engine. Names of clients have been changed to protect their privacy.
One hint is that for the most part, you will not want to set your accuracy to 100% but rather at an average level.
Taylor wrote:
LTG 1: Abigail will expand her expressive and receptive lexicons.
- Objective 2-1: Abigail will demonstrate her understanding of 6 new Tier II vocabulary words presented first in the context of a story and second in a visual context by drawing relevant pictures and explaining the terms in her own words with 90% accuracy.
- Objective 2-2: Abigail will recall the 6 Tier II vocabulary words from the previous story with 80% accuracy given a visual cue.
LTG 1: Johnny will improve social communication.
- Objective 1-1: Johnny will participate in interactions through joint attention by using a 3-point gaze shift (i.e. object-person-object or person-object-person) 3 times per session.
- Objective 1-2: Johnny will initiate requests within the activities using a visual cue (i.e. “I want” strip) 90% of the time.
- Objective 1-3: Johnny will share descriptive information with his communication partner using a visual cue (i.e. “I see a” strip) in 7 out of 9 opportunities or 75% of the time.
- Objective 1-4: Johnny will spontaneously imitate actions or words following a model 5 times during a session.
Riley wrote:
Baseline level of performance: Erin scored 75% on prevocalic /r/ on the Entire World of R: Advanced Screening for /r/. |
Goal: Erin. will increase her intelligibility.
Objective 1-1: Erin. will produce prevocalic /r/ with 90% accuracy at the word level. |
Nicole F. wrote:
Baseline level of performance: Charlie averaged an accuracy rate of 88% for execution of directions ranging in complexity from 2-level with 1 modifier to 3-level with 1 modifier. His errors occurred for directions that were 3-level and 3-level with 1 modifier. |
Goal: Charlie will improve his performance on following directions.
Objective 1-1: Charlie will follow directions that involve 3-step commands with 2 modifiers with 90% accuracy across three sessions. |
Materials: White board and marker. |
Baseline level of performance: Shannon produced /l/ with 27% accuracy at the word level during the second session. |
Goal: Shannon will improve intelligibility.
Objective 1-1: Shannon will produce /l/ with 50% accuracy at the word level following a clinician’s model across 3 sessions. |
Materials: Articulation board game, three board pieces, coin