Cozy chats about speech, language and learning


The Gift of Being a Lifelong Learner

The Gift of Being a Lifelong Learner

Someone asked me the other day what was I doing for fun. I was being a lifelong learner! At the beginning of the year 2018, there was an announcement that the Rhode Island Foundation in conjunction with the Rhode Island Department of Education and the University…

Why We Need to Teach Reading Using an Integrative System

Why We Need to Teach Reading Using an Integrative System

There is an inter-relationship between, reading, spelling, handwriting, and written expression that needs to be honored when we think about teaching reading. There are multiple areas in the brain that are essential in learning how to read. Our instruction, therefore, needs to be explicit, systematic, cumulative, and multi-sensory.

Teaching Conversation Skills to Students with Severe Disabilities

Teaching Conversation Skills to Students with Severe Disabilities

 Most of us engage in conversation easily so we give no thought to the dynamics that are involved in a conversation which can make teaching the skills needed for conversation difficult.  If you think of a time that you were involved in a social situation…

#ARMMEWITH an Educational Model of Education

#ARMMEWITH an Educational Model of Education

  ENOUGH!  This is the time to stand for the children of our country. We owe it to them and to our future to fight for their right to be in schools that put them first, values them as people and care enough about their well…

Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics What is the Difference?

Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics What is the Difference?

  Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, and Phonics are all terms that sound alike but are very distinct. Often the image of an umbrella is used in trying to explain the differences between the three terms, with phonological awareness being the umbrella and phonemic awareness and phonics…

Diary of a Teacher/Speech Pathologist Observation

Diary of a Teacher/Speech Pathologist Observation

Just when you are thinking that you are safe from observations, the state changes the evaluation requirements and you are again required to have announced and unannounced observations! Now don’t get me wrong I love what I do. I am proud of the work that…

Vocabulary: New Research, Importance, Ways to Teach

Vocabulary: New Research, Importance, Ways to Teach

I am forever a student!  One of my favorite ways to learn is through a website called  It allows me to pick a topic that I am interested in and then also to pick how I want to learn that particular topic. Do I…

Top 10 reasons you should be a speech and language pathologist

Top 10 reasons you should be a speech and language pathologist

January 1979 I started my Clinical Fellowship Year as a speech and language pathologist. I have NEVER regretted the decision to become a speech and language pathologist. It has been a phenomenal adventure! When I began my college career I had not really known a…

Simple Behavioral Supports That Help All Students

Simple Behavioral Supports That Help All Students

When we have a structure supported with simple behavioral routines and visuals our classroom and therapy sessions are more effective and focused.  This benefits not just the student but also you as the instructor giving you a framework for your sessions. I find that if…

Inexpensive Speech Therapy or Classroom Material to Promote Active Participation

Sometimes the best materials are ones that are inexpensive, readily available and easy to use. I am someone who is never without her cup filled with water and a straw.  I have straws stored at home, in the car and at school so I always have…