In the summer of 2015 students at Providence College had a project to examine communication disorders and to construct a lesson plan for a read aloud.
They needed to take a trade book with a multicultural theme and prepare a 3-day lesson plan that incorporated the accommodations and structures they would put in place to develop and support the student with communication disabilities.
The book could have been at any grade level however if they selected a chapter book or a book for secondary students they used a selection for the lesson.
The project contained:
- Tier Two vocabulary and how they would teach and reinforce it
- Tier Three vocabulary that will be directly taught
- Cultural Themes that may need support and how would they would do that
- Strategies to build in to assist in getting the meaning for storytelling
- Strategies and support for a retell
- Label the specific strategies that would assist the students with:Language learning difficulties
- English Language Learners
- Students using Augmentative Communication
- Common Core Standards that the lesson covers/ Learning Objectives
Data collected
Examples of these projects
Middle School %22 The Empty Pot%22
Middle School The Number Devil
Kindergarten Math Potatoes by Greg Tang
Kindergarten Bilingual Fire+Fuego+Brave+Bomberos+Lesson+Plan+2 (1)
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