Cozy chats about speech, language and learning


Popsicle sticks: Use in education

Popsicle sticks: Use in education

What do you think of when you think of popsicle sticks?  Does it bring up memories of enjoying a summer day with your friends while you ate a cool treat? Do you think of the pleasure of splitting a double pop to share with your…

Hickory Dickory Dock an Elephant Climbs up a Clock!

Hickory Dickory Dock an Elephant Climbs up a Clock!

My students love stories with a twist!.  This has twelve verses that have my students giggling especially when the Elephant tries to climb the clock! Hickory Dickory Dock is a nursery rhyme that is great to also teach some story grammar features while using a…

Teaching Sight Words,  Why is it Important and How Can We Assist ?

Teaching Sight Words, Why is it Important and How Can We Assist ?

Besides learning to break the phonetic code and sounding out words knowing sight words is crucial to being a reader. Sight word recognition is one of the important building blocks in a child learning to read. If a child is successful with sight words they will…

All Directions are not created equal

All Directions are not created equal

  Following directions is a common goal for students as it involves a complicated language process. It requires that the students: Attend to the information given caution; some students may not be attending to information that is presented in one modality. Be sure to combine…

Teaching Tier Two Words

Teaching Tier Two Words

Common Core curriculum recognizes the importance of vocabulary in learning.  Refer to this blog to learn about the three tiers Blog on three tiers of vocabulary. Background knowledge of the topic being taught in the classroom is a key component of learning. It becomes the foundation…

Using Therapy Materials that Match a Student’s Age or Abilities

Using Therapy Materials that Match a Student’s Age or Abilities

You have the goals you want your student to achieve. You have the research-based approach to use in treatment. What may be more difficult is matching the student’s age and abilities to the appropriate materials. A common mistake that  a newbie clinician or a student clinician…

How do you determine a student’s reading level?

How do you determine a student’s reading level?

When we are working with a child it is important that we are working at their appropriate reading level. How do we determine this?

How to Scaffold Student’s Writing

How to Scaffold Student’s Writing

Follow my blog with Bloglovin This week we worked on practicing our grammar. We first reviewed the parts of speech we have gone over. I love using whiteboards as it allows me to quickly review all the student’s understanding of the concepts. I use the…

It Takes a Village by Jane Cowen-Fletcher book companion

It Takes a Village by Jane Cowen-Fletcher book companion

I love using literature to teach. It gives me a jumping off point to teach vocabulary and story grammar.   It Takes A Village by Jane Cowen-Fletcher Book Companion is a great story that is set in an African village.  Yemi is given the responsibility…

The Care and Feeding of Your Supervisor!

The Care and Feeding of Your Supervisor!

How to make a good impression on your clinicial supervisor Be a nice human: Remember your supervisor is also a human we exist beyond the clinic. Be on time: When you are late this causes stress. Things happen just make sure that you call or…