Cozy chats about speech, language and learning


Helping the Child with Language Learning Disability in the General Education Classroom

Helping the Child with Language Learning Disability in the General Education Classroom

Anderson et al (2004) American Secondary Education 32. 19-36 gives six practices that have been shown to be most helpful for the student with language learning disabilities in the classroom. Mnemonic strategies: presenting strategies, keywords or facts that need to be memorize using mnemonics can assist the…

Spelling and the Speech Language Pathologist

Spelling and the Speech Language Pathologist

Okay, true confession, I am a terrible speller. I went to parochial school and we had weekly spelling bees and tests. I consistently was the first one out in the spelling bee. The nuns would try to teach me and I remember one of them proclaiming ”…

One Way to Up Your Student’s Reading Activity

One Way to Up Your Student’s Reading Activity

Have you been to a movie lately?  What happens before the main movie?  You typically are watching movie previews. Why do movie theaters do this?  They want to entice you to want to see the movie that they are previewing. The same thing should happen…

How to take an old favorite read aloud and construct a Common Core lesson

How to take an old favorite read aloud and construct a Common Core lesson

How do you take an old favorite and incorporate all the common core standards that you need to cover in your class?  Can you still do a read aloud and still be able to get what you need to get done for the curriculum? YES,…

Executive Dysfunction: Who is this child?

Executive Dysfunction: Who is this child?

What is Executive Functioning? Johnny races into the room and you can nearly feel the wind as he passes you by. His desk is a mess and homework papers if returned, look like they were run over by a truck. If you inform the parent…

Finding resources to assist in speech therapy and in the classroom

Finding resources to assist in speech therapy and in the classroom

  The internet has allowed us as clinicians to have research-based resources at our fingertips but sometimes finding these resources can take a treasure map. Here are some great resources: Reading Comprehension: Readworks The nonprofit ReadWorks provides K-12 teachers with what to teach and how…

Sparking a Child’s Interest to Help Focus

Sparking a Child’s Interest to Help Focus

School for some children can be hard. Children that learn differently may need more time to understand the curriculum, they may need more repetition or different presentation than their peers. Something that can assist in spark a child’s interest is using a character that they…

How I Became A Speech And Language Pathologist

How I Became A Speech And Language Pathologist

I was about to graduate from high school and unfortunately economics in the country at that time were bleak. I was fortunate that I lived in New York City and at that time City College system was tuition free . I was working as a…

What Are You Bringing to Dinner? A Language Game

What Are You Bringing to Dinner? A Language Game

My students love this game! You have been invited to a Potluck dinner What are you bringing to the potluck? Can we guess what it might be? This is a receptive/expressive language activity that can be played multiple ways. I was trying to have my…

Increasing Student’s Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOT)

Increasing Student’s Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOT)

Are you igniting your student’s high order thinking skills or are you stuck at the basic recall of information questions? If you are attempting to create opportunities for Bloom’s Taxonomy of questions giving a range and depth to what we are requiring for students how are…