Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

Tag: Language Development

Five Ways Nursery Rhymes Enhance Early Childhood Development

Five Ways Nursery Rhymes Enhance Early Childhood Development

Nursery rhymes are a staple of early childhood. Even with newer forms of entertainment, these simple poems, songs, and rhymes have stood the test of time. From “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” to “Old MacDonald had a Farm,” these songs are ingrained in our memories and…

Songs Are An Important Language Development Tool and Free Download

Songs Are An Important Language Development Tool and Free Download

Songs are an important language development learning tool. One of my favorite speech and language therapy techniques is using singing to develop language. Using songs for preschoolers for language learning is fun and effective. Preschoolers can learn so much through songs. Why use songs in…

Echolalia: What is it?

Echolalia: What is it?

There are many areas for challenges for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. No two people have the same communicative challenges. Some children with autism spectrum disorder have echolalia. Echolalia At one time the thought was Echolalia was a behavior to eliminate but we have a…