Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

lesson plans

Combining Literacy Lessons with Social Emotional Lessons

Combining Literacy Lessons with Social Emotional Lessons

I have been working with great children’s literature within the whole classroom environment to develop student’s Tier Two vocabulary, understanding of story grammar and listening comprehension skills. I have always embedded some social language skills into these lessons with the set up of class expectations,…

Teaching Sight Words,  Why is it Important and How Can We Assist ?

Teaching Sight Words, Why is it Important and How Can We Assist ?

Besides learning to break the phonetic code and sounding out words knowing sight words is crucial to being a reader. Sight word recognition is one of the important building blocks in a child learning to read. If a child is successful with sight words they will…

All Directions are not created equal

All Directions are not created equal

  Following directions is a common goal for students as it involves a complicated language process. It requires that the students: Attend to the information given caution; some students may not be attending to information that is presented in one modality. Be sure to combine…

Teaching Tier Two Words

Teaching Tier Two Words

Common Core curriculum recognizes the importance of vocabulary in learning.  Refer to this blog to learn about the three tiers Blog on three tiers of vocabulary. Background knowledge of the topic being taught in the classroom is a key component of learning. It becomes the foundation…

Using Therapy Materials that Match a Student’s Age or Abilities

Using Therapy Materials that Match a Student’s Age or Abilities

You have the goals you want your student to achieve. You have the research-based approach to use in treatment. What may be more difficult is matching the student’s age and abilities to the appropriate materials. A common mistake that  a newbie clinician or a student clinician…

Keeping Pace in a therapy session.

Keeping Pace in a therapy session.

Pacing during a treatment session can be crucial in maintaining a child’s attention and focus. The easiest way to do this is using a schedule and a pattern of an opening and closing activity. Using a timer to go off five minutes before the end…

It Takes a Village by Jane Cowen-Fletcher book companion

It Takes a Village by Jane Cowen-Fletcher book companion

I love using literature to teach. It gives me a jumping off point to teach vocabulary and story grammar.   It Takes A Village by Jane Cowen-Fletcher Book Companion is a great story that is set in an African village.  Yemi is given the responsibility…

Supporting the clinician that comes after you.

Supporting the clinician that comes after you.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have a blueprint that helped to spell out how to work with a child?  There are times that you need more than reading reports or IEP documents but hands on advice from someone who has seen the student…

5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!  Using the poem in therapy

5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed! Using the poem in therapy

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on a Bed This is a fun poem about five monkeys jumping on the bed! The first part is appropriate for those children that are readers or to can be read to the child. The second part has a pictures and…

Use what you have!

Use what you have!

Recently a graduate student stated that they wanted to use a time timer but did not have one. Using a time timer is a great thing. It is visual. It clearly indicates the time for the person. HOWEVER, we don’t always have access to a…