Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

Graduate Students

Writing about Articulation in a Report

Writing about Articulation in a Report

In writing reports, it is very important for the speech and language pathologist to be consistent and accurate in writing the phonemes that the student is having difficulty with.  These should be written using professional writing with any sounds or sound combinations that a family might…

Teaching Verb Tenses

Teaching Verb Tenses

Often the students that we are trying to teach tenses to are very young so that they are not readers. This can complicate how we teach them regular and irregular verbs. One way is to display pictures and to teach the tenses as a sequence.…

Use what you have!

Use what you have!

Recently a graduate student stated that they wanted to use a time timer but did not have one. Using a time timer is a great thing. It is visual. It clearly indicates the time for the person. HOWEVER, we don’t always have access to a…

Listening Comprehension versus Reading Comprehension

Listening Comprehension versus Reading Comprehension

Listening Comprehension skills versus Reading Comprehension Skills I know that it may be confusing when you are writing goals but if you are the person that is reading the story to a child what we are measuring is listening. If the child is the only…

Story Retell

Story Retell

Story Retell: Story Retell is one way to measure listening or reading comprehension. This is usually done using a rubric as there are so many elements that need to be measured as well as the support that you may be giving to the student. Reading…

Incentive Charts

Incentive Charts

  Behavior Incentives: Everyone has a different opinion on behavioral strategies. When I am working with a full class I use the Whole Brain Scorecard which has the happy face and the sad face on a T-Chart. It is described more fully here. hoard&Itemid=145 If…

How do you determine how much time to give a child in therapy?

How do you determine how much time to give a child in therapy?

When I was studying to be a speech and language pathologist back in the dark ages there was a topic of discussion ” Is it art or is it science?”  This discussion is definitely applicable to determining treatment time. You do need to look at…

Fall 2015 Lesson Plan Section Example: Articulation, Social Language

Fall 2015 Lesson Plan Section Example: Articulation, Social Language

Some of you are doing an excellent job with your lesson plans. I am putting some of the sections here so that you can see some great examples. Grace constructed this for part of her lesson for a young girl with an articulation disorder. Notice:…

Great Goals for Fall 2015 Semester

Great Goals for Fall 2015 Semester

Here are some examples of some great goals this semester. Sometimes looking at other goals help to formulate your own. Apraxia Casey wrote:  Goal: By the end of the semester, CHILD will improve intelligibility as evidenced by the accurate production of final /g/ at the…

Articulation Therapy

Articulation Therapy

Speech Sound Therapy: ( articulation or phonological approach) My philosophy and methodology for articulation have changed over time as new research and my own experiences began to shape how I provided treatment. Below is a list of some of the treatment approaches for articulation. In…