Cozy chats about speech, language and learning


Developing Social Emotional Language Goals

Developing Social Emotional Language Goals

Social skills, language pragmatic skills can be difficult to write goals for. If you think about the skills in the same way that you consider other language skills this might be a good first start. You need to make an analysis of what you want…

All Directions are not created equal

All Directions are not created equal

  Following directions is a common goal for students as it involves a complicated language process. It requires that the students: Attend to the information given caution; some students may not be attending to information that is presented in one modality. Be sure to combine…

5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!  Using the poem in therapy

5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed! Using the poem in therapy

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on a Bed This is a fun poem about five monkeys jumping on the bed! The first part is appropriate for those children that are readers or to can be read to the child. The second part has a pictures and…

Listening Comprehension versus Reading Comprehension

Listening Comprehension versus Reading Comprehension

Listening Comprehension skills versus Reading Comprehension Skills I know that it may be confusing when you are writing goals but if you are the person that is reading the story to a child what we are measuring is listening. If the child is the only…

How do you determine how much time to give a child in therapy?

How do you determine how much time to give a child in therapy?

When I was studying to be a speech and language pathologist back in the dark ages there was a topic of discussion ” Is it art or is it science?”  This discussion is definitely applicable to determining treatment time. You do need to look at…

5 Little Monkeys

5 Little Monkeys

I love working with music with my students. Something that they are reluctant to do when presented as a work task they will do when it is incorporated into a song. This song is 5 little monkeys hanging from a tree. It uses a count…

Developing a literature unit: Tier Two vocabulary, Bloom’s questions

Developing a literature unit: Tier Two vocabulary, Bloom’s questions

My plan this summer was to create units using literature and having all the resources in one place.  As I have been using children’s literature I have been able to discover that there are some stories in which some of the extensions to create deeper…

Using a Song Choice Board

Using a Song Choice Board

I have always loved incorporating rhymes and music into my lessons.  Music assists in memory, developing language, and often a child’s first vocalization can come as they try to sing along. When we are working with children with minimal verbal language skills we need to…

Oral Language the Framework for Written Language

Oral Language the Framework for Written Language

  We have been spending a great deal of time understanding oral language.  Why is this important for written language?  What is the correlation? Here is a great PowerPoint from the Department of Education: Oral and written language2 Some have found the paragraph’s graphs confusing…

Exit and Entrance Criteria in the schools

Exit and Entrance Criteria in the schools

Entrance and Exit Criteria: Who is eligible for speech and language services in the schools? When do you exit? These are important questions that are understood not just by speech and language pathologists but also by teachers, administrators and families. Why does one child get…