Cozy chats about speech, language and learning


What is Van Riper Approach to Articulation Therapy?

What is Van Riper Approach to Articulation Therapy?

One of the options for speech therapy for articulation is the traditional approach.  Back in the dark ages ( or when I was being trained as a speech and language therapist), the researchers prescribed a sequence of treatment for children that had difficulty saying sounds.…

Examples of Speech and Language Goals

Examples of Speech and Language Goals

Constructing goals can be a difficult task. If you think about this process as a multi-step activity it will assist you. You begin treatment with a student by reviewing the history of the child. In reading this and speaking with the family you may have…

Homework an Important Connection

Homework an Important Connection

Home programming is an important part of speech and language therapy so that what the child is learning in the therapy room has practice outside of the treatment room. This seems very logical but what exactly should this be? First one needs to consider the…

Research Should Drive Our Instruction

Research Should Drive Our Instruction

As a speech and language pathologist or a teacher we need to use research to drive instruction. Recently on an emergency trip to the dentist, I complained that as I was getting older my teeth were falling apart and I lamented the aging process. However…

Auditory Bombardment Articulation Therapy

Auditory Bombardment Articulation Therapy

Auditory Bombardment is an evidenced-based approach for articulation therapy. Having the child hear the sound said correctly assists them. Articulation Treatment Ear training or speech perception training is one research-based treatment or Evidenced-Based Practice (EBP) that is recommended to help the child acquire a perceptual representation…

How to Teach Vowel Sounds In Speech Therapy

How to Teach Vowel Sounds In Speech Therapy

How do you teach vowel sounds in speech therapy? Did you ever have a student that sounded as if they had an accent but they really didn’t? Have you ever evaluated a child for speech but their single word assessment was good but they were…

GIVEAWAY and TPT’s Back to School Sale is August 1-2!!!

GIVEAWAY and TPT’s Back to School Sale is August 1-2!!!

I can’t believe that it is that time of year again when I have not finished ESY!  The promise of a TPT sale, however, makes look forward to the new school year exciting. The sale is August 1-2, Monday and Tuesday. Here are some products from…

Being Flexible, Writing Goals for Clinic

Being Flexible, Writing Goals for Clinic

As a speech and language pathologist, as in life we need to be flexible. You will be at a work site that might do things in a different way that you may have been taught or the way the last work site had you do…

Phonological Approach to Speech Therapy

Phonological Approach to Speech Therapy

  ASHA, the American Speech, Language,and Hearing Association  clarifies that ” Articulation approaches target each sound deviation and are often selected by the clinician when the child’s errors are assumed to be motor-based; the aim is the correct production of the target sound(s). Phonological approaches target a…

Baseline Information

Baseline Information

Getting good baseline information is very important when working with students as it gives a good starting point. The clearer you write this on the goal sheet or lesson plan the easier it is for anyone reading it to understand not just where the child…