Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

Tag: goal writing

Writing Precise Baselines IEP Goals

Writing Precise Baselines IEP Goals

One of the first things we do when we meet a new client as stated in another blog is to do an initial assessment to gather a baseline. It is very important that we clearly define this baseline so that it is clear exactly what…

How Does Assessment Drive Instruction?

How Does Assessment Drive Instruction?

Assessment drives instruction. Evaluation data helps to drive the instruction of a student. When we take baseline we get a direction for our teaching.  Prior to seeing a new student/client, we read through their records to develop a picture and to make a group of…

Goals are hard to create: another blog with helpful information

Goals are hard to create: another blog with helpful information

Creating goals is hard but if prior to setting goals you follow a process it can become easier. First: Consult with the family: it is very important to include families from the beginning of the process as team members. Review records and any information that…