Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

Tag: autism

9 Ways to Unlock the Potential of Gestalt Language Learners

9 Ways to Unlock the Potential of Gestalt Language Learners

Language acquisition is a unique journey for every child, but for Gestalt Language Learners, the process is particularly distinct. Understanding this approach and crafting a tailored speech and language therapy plan can significantly enhance their communication skills. In this blog post, we’ll explore what Gestalt…

How to Use the Ziggurat Model’s Comprehensive Autism Plan

How to Use the Ziggurat Model’s Comprehensive Autism Plan

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) presents unique challenges and opportunities in educational settings. Tailoring the school environment to meet the individual needs of students with autism can significantly enhance their learning and development. One effective approach is using the Comprehensive Autism Planning System (CAPS) within the…

Promoting Literacy Development in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Promoting Literacy Development in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong developmental disorder that can impact an individual’s ability to communicate, interact socially, and develop literacy skills. People with ASD may have difficulty understanding the spoken word, producing language, and reading or writing words. Fortunately, there are many strategies…

School Reopening 2020

School Reopening 2020

The opening of the new school year is going to be a challenging one this year. There rightfully is a great deal of anxiety as there is a multitude of plans offered for school reopening. It is hard to prepare for something so fluid especially…