Cozy chats about speech, language and learning


Developing Student Goals

Developing Student Goals

  How do you know how to write goals for your students?   The first thing that you need to do is to have some baseline testing that will assist you in knowing where the student is. Once you have the baseline testing evaluate what…

Assessing Writing in Children

Assessing Writing in Children

Similar to evaluating oral language we need to evaluate written language.  When we are looking at writing we want to examine the student’s sample in several ways. Conventions/ Mechanics (spelling, punctuation) Structure/ Organization (Does it have a beginning, middle and end, is there use of…

Would you turn back home if you forgot your cell phone?  The importance of schedules.

Would you turn back home if you forgot your cell phone? The importance of schedules.

Would you be lost without your Smartphone? How many of you would go back home if you realized that you had forgotten your phone?   Why is this? It keeps us organized, informed and connected to our world. That is very similar to what the…

Lesson Plans for speech and language pathologists

Lesson Plans for speech and language pathologists

Date:                                                    Session :  Lesson Plan                                    Client Initials:   I have added the document here so that you can download and save it. Lesson Plan Baseline level of performance Goal:. Materials: Procedure: Data:     Observations/Behavior:  This is the format that I would like you…

How do you decide what materials, activities and books you should use in treatment?

How do you decide what materials, activities and books you should use in treatment?

 It is really important that when we are working with children with special needs that we think about age appropriate materials. There are times that this is called “ Normalization” as it is insuring that we are exposing and allowing the person with disabilities to…

A Good Start: Listening Rules

A Good Start: Listening Rules

As a speech and language pathologist we often are going from case to case. Our students are coming in from something different and they too need time to adjust to therapy session. Rules and routines assist in setting up the session so that it is…

Survival Guide for a Student Speech and Language Clinician First Session

Survival Guide for a Student Speech and Language Clinician First Session

This is it. You finally have your first clinical assignment.  A multitude of feelings come over you, excitement about finally being able to “do” the task that you have been putting so much academic effort into, anxiety about what your client will be like, the…

Using the EET and Story Grammar Marker with The Great Fuzz Frenzy

Using the EET and Story Grammar Marker with The Great Fuzz Frenzy

I have been working with my kindergarten classes using Story Grammar Marker and the EET ( Expanding Expression Tool: see previous post November 4,2013).  Yesterday we listened to ” The Great Fuzz Frenzy” by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel.  Prior to reading the book we used the…

EET kit

EET kit

I have been using a new visual tool, the EET or the Expanding Expression Tool. It can be purchased through       Each of the beads represents a different aspect of what you can say about an object or a picture. Green: group…

I have entered the world of Teachers pay Teachers!

I have entered the world of Teachers pay Teachers!

I have dipped my toe into the TPT website posting my first product.   Baby Beluga This is a fun song that many children love. Raffi a popular  child singer sings it and you can see it on youtube. The song is about a little white…