Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

Tag: Social Emotional Learning

Mastering Emotion Vocabulary: Multi-Sensory Strategies

Mastering Emotion Vocabulary: Multi-Sensory Strategies

Understanding and expressing emotions is a crucial part of social communication. For students on the autism spectrum, especially those who crave sensory input, teaching feeling words and how to express emotions can be challenging yet rewarding. A multi-sensory approach can make this learning process more…

The Power of Picture Books: Supporting SEL in the Classroom

The Power of Picture Books: Supporting SEL in the Classroom

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to consider the holistic development of children. Social and emotional development is at the center of schools’ focus as schools are realizing that academics only are not enough to ensure a child’s success. Promoting social and emotional…

School Reopening 2020

School Reopening 2020

The opening of the new school year is going to be a challenging one this year. There rightfully is a great deal of anxiety as there is a multitude of plans offered for school reopening. It is hard to prepare for something so fluid especially…