Cozy chats about speech, language and learning

speech and language pathologists

Articulation Therapy

Articulation Therapy

Speech Sound Therapy: ( articulation or phonological approach) My philosophy and methodology for articulation have changed over time as new research and my own experiences began to shape how I provided treatment. Below is a list of some of the treatment approaches for articulation. In…

Using a Song Choice Board

Using a Song Choice Board

I have always loved incorporating rhymes and music into my lessons.  Music assists in memory, developing language, and often a child’s first vocalization can come as they try to sing along. When we are working with children with minimal verbal language skills we need to…

Exit and Entrance Criteria in the schools

Exit and Entrance Criteria in the schools

Entrance and Exit Criteria: Who is eligible for speech and language services in the schools? When do you exit? These are important questions that are understood not just by speech and language pathologists but also by teachers, administrators and families. Why does one child get…

Teamwork: How can Special Educators and Speech and Language Pathologists work together ?

Teamwork: How can Special Educators and Speech and Language Pathologists work together ?

  Here is a resource from American Speech and Hearing Association that further defines what a speech and language pathologist is in the schools. slprole In my school, I do a combination of service delivery: I teach whole class, below are some of the theme…

What is a Speech and Language Pathologist?  More than you think!

What is a Speech and Language Pathologist? More than you think!

    Most people when they think of a speech and language pathologist typically think of articulation or stuttering treatment, but these are just a very small part of our job. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication,…

How to Help Students Become Independent Learners

How to Help Students Become Independent Learners

Are we creating Independent Learners? What are we doing to encourage self-advocacy in our students?