Cozy chats about speech, language and learning


Keeping Pace in a therapy session.

Keeping Pace in a therapy session.

Pacing during a treatment session can be crucial in maintaining a child’s attention and focus. The easiest way to do this is using a schedule and a pattern of an opening and closing activity. Using a timer to go off five minutes before the end…

Articulation Ideas

Articulation Ideas

In the schools, for the most part, I use the 5 Minute Articulation treatment approach, 5-minute kids.  This was developed by Susan Sexton to maximize the treatment time and minimize the time out of the class. A research paper can be found here.5-minute kid ResearchArticle…

Writing about Articulation in a Report

Writing about Articulation in a Report

In writing reports, it is very important for the speech and language pathologist to be consistent and accurate in writing the phonemes that the student is having difficulty with.  These should be written using professional writing with any sounds or sound combinations that a family might…

How do you determine how much time to give a child in therapy?

How do you determine how much time to give a child in therapy?

When I was studying to be a speech and language pathologist back in the dark ages there was a topic of discussion ” Is it art or is it science?”  This discussion is definitely applicable to determining treatment time. You do need to look at…

Fall 2015 Lesson Plan Section Example: Articulation, Social Language

Fall 2015 Lesson Plan Section Example: Articulation, Social Language

Some of you are doing an excellent job with your lesson plans. I am putting some of the sections here so that you can see some great examples. Grace constructed this for part of her lesson for a young girl with an articulation disorder. Notice:…

Great Goals for Fall 2015 Semester

Great Goals for Fall 2015 Semester

Here are some examples of some great goals this semester. Sometimes looking at other goals help to formulate your own. Apraxia Casey wrote:  Goal: By the end of the semester, CHILD will improve intelligibility as evidenced by the accurate production of final /g/ at the…

Articulation Therapy

Articulation Therapy

Speech Sound Therapy: ( articulation or phonological approach) My philosophy and methodology for articulation have changed over time as new research and my own experiences began to shape how I provided treatment. Below is a list of some of the treatment approaches for articulation. In…

Exit and Entrance Criteria in the schools

Exit and Entrance Criteria in the schools

Entrance and Exit Criteria: Who is eligible for speech and language services in the schools? When do you exit? These are important questions that are understood not just by speech and language pathologists but also by teachers, administrators and families. Why does one child get…

Procedural section of the lesson plan

Procedural section of the lesson plan

The procedural section of the lesson plan is the heart or body of the lesson plan. It is here that you will share information about the methods that you are using to help a student reach their goal. It is important to discuss the research-based…

Looking for some examples of Speech and Language Goals?

Looking for some examples of Speech and Language Goals?

Writing goals is always an art.  It is sometimes helpful to see some examples. This semester here are some great goals. The names have all been changed except for the clinician names are real. Articulation Goals: Kristen wrote these goals Baseline level of performance: At…