Cozy chats about speech, language and learning


Using Therapy Materials that Match a Student’s Age or Abilities

Using Therapy Materials that Match a Student’s Age or Abilities

You have the goals you want your student to achieve. You have the research-based approach to use in treatment. What may be more difficult is matching the student’s age and abilities to the appropriate materials. A common mistake that  a newbie clinician or a student clinician…

How to Scaffold Student’s Writing

How to Scaffold Student’s Writing

Follow my blog with Bloglovin This week we worked on practicing our grammar. We first reviewed the parts of speech we have gone over. I love using whiteboards as it allows me to quickly review all the student’s understanding of the concepts. I use the…

Assessing Writing in Children

Assessing Writing in Children

Similar to evaluating oral language we need to evaluate written language.  When we are looking at writing we want to examine the student’s sample in several ways. Conventions/ Mechanics (spelling, punctuation) Structure/ Organization (Does it have a beginning, middle and end, is there use of…